The development portfolio is a combination of different design and research methods, in which the process of my academic career is visualized. Design assignments, experiments, sketches, form studies, testing and theoretically acquired knowledge come together in a wonderland of works.
The development portfolio is split into three parts: a general part, the development part and a performance part. The general section consists of this reading guide and the 'About' page, which you may have visited before getting to this page. Here, I will introduce you to my design philosophy and refer to my CV to find my academic background, work experience, and skillset.
In the development part, the tests and design topics from the past academic semesters are discussed. These can be found in the menu under Projects. I take you through my design process where you will find sketches, concept underpinnings, documentation, assessments and reflections. In Semester Wonderland, the focus mainly lies on the artistic, experimenting and imagination. Semester Space & Material will bring all this knowledge and development together in the second part of the year but will deploy it in a more tangible way by solving problems through design. Design and artistic experimentation are fundamental in the first year and will be supported by technical knowledge and knowledge about art and design.
The performance part can be found in the menu under Archive and Development. Here you find the content collection and the photo styling assignments from semester Wonderland, the reports from the museums I visited, and all professionalisation assignments.
In content collection and photo styling, you will find a collection of images in which I show my photographic skills in an artistic way. Here I also receive feedback, which I then reflect on. The documentation log gives you an insight into my way of working and the work done in the past academic year.
Museums and professionalisation assignments can be viewed in report form and speak for themselves. My learning objectives are also discussed in detail and you will also find reflections on my study progress.
I hope this has provided enough insight into the structure of the website and the portfolio. If you are interested in my work, you can contact me via the Contact section in the menu.